JoomlaBamboo is giving 20% discount on their Joomla Templates for saying ThankYou for a great year. This discount coupon code is available across all of JoomlaBamboo subscriptions and can be combined with standard coupons used for renewing current and previous members.

JoomlaBamboo Discount Coupon Code:
1. This means that if you are a current member and renew using the coupon
jbrenewal + bamboochristmas you receive 40% off the renewal cost.
2. Or if your membership has expired and you are a previous member you can use
jbrenewal2 + bamboochristmas and receive a 30% discount across all subscriptions.
If your subscription is still current and not due to run out for a few months yet then renewing now simply adds the new subscription time onto your old subscription.
3. If you are new to Joomla Bamboo then you can use the
“bamboochristmas“by itself and receive 20% off the price of all of our subscriptions.
Please note that the coupon will only be available until the 24th December.
So you have a little over a week to take advantage of these savings. Also to take advantage of both coupons you need to enter the first coupon code, hit apply and then enter the second coupon code and the discount will be automatically deducted from the subscription amount.
Get instant access to JoomlaBamboo Template Club.
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