6 Best WordPress SEO Plugins for Bloggers

WordPress is something that is made used by about 50 million websites over the Internet. It is the best blogging platform available in the market. SEO is a field that is much vast and requires you to have a good amount of knowledge for mastering it. If you are really much serious about business, blogging or about the portfolio of yours, then the best thing that you can do is to improve the authorship and brand presence of your company or the website. The best way that you have for improving your brand presence is with the help of SEO as this methodology can help you in accomplishing, customers, organic traffic and also many leads. There are many efficient WordPress plug-in available, which can help you in accomplishing things like the optimization of the content, the integration with social media and many other goals in much easier manner.

1. SEO Pressor

seopressor-wp-pluginThis is one among the SEO plug-in available from WordPress that is much powerful. It has the power for managing the various pages, posts and also the formats that are associated with the custom posts. In much simpler terms, the plug-in is capable of controlling and managing the whole website of yours. This plug-in has a tool for keyword research which is capable of finding keywords which are much long. There is a possibility for making use of the drag & drop functionality associated with the plug-in for the purpose of inserting the keyword to the content of your website with just a click. This feature is much helpful in saving about 20 minutes as the same functionality can make you take much longer time when you are making use of this in other tools available in the market.

Download SEO Pressor plugin

2. All in One SEO Pack

All-in-One-SEO-Pack-pluginThis is the most popular and one among the advanced kind of SEO plug-in that is available in the market. The plug-in is suitable for online business, magazines, ecommerce and also for bloggers. This plug-in can be made used by any of the bloggers who have least knowledge about SEO. This plug-in has the functionality of developing Meta keywords and the Meta description for the blog posts and also help in optimizing the title in an automatic way by making use of the best practices. This also helps in adding alternate tags to all the images that you have on the blog so that it can be help for making it possible to accomplish the level of SEO that you need for your website.

Download All in One SEO Pack

3. Yoast by SEO

WordPress SEO by Yoast pluginThis is a plug-in that has the functionality for integrating the Facebook open graph also the metadata from twitter for making your website friendlier towards social media. The on page analysis is another greater feature provided by this plug-in. There are provisions available with this plug-in for checking keyword density.

Download Yoast by SEO plugin

4. Simple Share Buttons Adder

Simple Share Buttons AdderThis is a plug-in that is helpful for the purpose of making your website much friendly to social media. Google has used the signals from the social media for the purpose of determining the ranking of the WebPages over SERP. It is important for taking all the steps possible which can big or small in making the website friendlier to users and social Medias. Some of the important things that you can do to add the sharing buttons in your website through which the contents, the photos etc can be shared in the social networking websites. You can also make use of Google authorship, adding open graph tag of Facebook and the Meta data of the twitter for making your website more social friendly. The plug-in helps you in accomplishing all these tasks in much better manner.

Download Simple Share Buttons

5. Google Sitemap

Google Sitemap Extra SettingsThis is the plug-in that is easy as well as powerful and is available from best web soft. This plug-in is helpful in easily creating and submitting the sitemaps to the webmaster of Google and also the webmaster tool of big. This also helps ingenerating .gzip file that is usually made used and considered by Google.

Download Google sitemap plugin

6. SEO Friendly Images

SEO Friendly Images pluginThis is the plug-in that is helpful in adding the title tags and the alternate tags to all the images that are associated with the various posts. The title of the post is considered as keyword by the plugin and implements it.

Download SEO Friendly Images plugin