6 Stupid Landing Page Mistakes you No Longer can Afford

Landing Page Mistakes

Landing pages serve a crucial purpose in the digital marketing campaign to drive business conversion. If you want to get a lot of leads through your landing page, you need to make it perfect for easy user engagement and higher traction. While most landing pages fail to garner desired business conversion, it is important to know their shortcomings and mistakes. Here we are going to introduce 6 stupid landing page mistakes that you no longer can afford.

1. Not Making your Offering Clear Instantly

Nowadays, mostly app developers use and take interest on anything over the web principally for a piece of information or experience, right? Just like that, the landing page should make the value clear to the audience, as quick as possible. The attention span of the audience is decreasing fast, so if you cannot deliver your message within 5 seconds, you can see them leave. What makes landing page deliver the value instantly? Consider the following tips.

  • Make your landing page headline show the ultimate benefit to the user in a short, crisp and attractive manner.
  • Now use a subhead that describes the value proposition of the headline.
  • Now let the headline and subhead accompany an image that expresses the value proposition made by them.

The most important thing is to know your target audience and competition through audience research and competitive analysis.

2. Not Optimizing CTA (Call to Action)

After all, you need to make your audience take action on the landing page. Without any action on the part of users, the effort cannot bear its fruit. In this respect, Call to Action or CTA button plays a big role. Many landing pages can be seen without a properly optimized CTA. Consider the following tips to make landing page CTA perform better.

  • Most users just know where they have to click principally by the form factor. So, CTA should stand out in size from the rest.
  • CTA button should stand out in color as well. You need to give it perfect contrast without really causing too much distraction. Some colors invariably work great in CTA like the light orange shade which is used by Amazon and a few other e-commerce sites.
  • Avoid a few colors in CTA like black, white or red apart from the exceptional cases.
  • The position of the CTA is another major consideration. While the vast majority of people look at things above the fold, you should not place CTA down the fold.

3. Not Optimizing Landing Page Text

When it comes to landing page copy, you should avoid using too much text. Attention span is very low and bounce rate is very high these days. 40% of web users just leave a page within the first three seconds of their visit. Naturally, you cannot expect them to read your long landing page copy till to the end. They need quick, bite-sized information related to their interest. Too much information will only make them feel overloaded and confused. On the other hand, beating around the bush with unnecessary text will only force them to leave. Remember the following tips for landing page copy.

  • Deliver small byte sized paragraph with few lines of text.
  • Optimize the text with an easy-to-glance font.
  • You can make use of bullet points and subheads to mention important information.
  • Ask questions and be interactive in tone.
  • Keep the conversation going in landing page copy. Users prefer feeling a human voice and personality behind the text.
  • Deliver the most important information first.
  • Don’t beat around the bush. Be straightforward.

4. Poor Landing Page Visual Design

To grab attention and to make the message clear visually you need to make use of images and illustrations as well. When do people like to see their goals fulfilled, before offering them a service why not show them an image boasting of success or happiness? What should be there in a landing page image?

Here are few effective tips.

  • Offer an image with a sense of fulfillment related to what you offer.
  • Tell a story about the users achieving something or becoming happy. A storytelling image tells a lot.
  • The image should offer a positive approach and a sense of hope from the user’s perspective.
  • Lastly, it should be high quality and visually perfect to grab attention and sustain the feeling for a long time.

5. Not Giving Attention To Loading Speed

Again, we need to face the challenge of depleting attention span of the mobile audience to make our landing page survive with engagement and traction. If a page takes more than 3 seconds to load it loses the visitor. So, loading speed is a major consideration. Google’s PageSpeed Insights is s great tool to know the elements that are preventing the page from loading faster. Here are few tips to ensure fast loading landing page.

  • By using a content delivery network (CDN) and a distributed DNS service you can ensure making static contents available faster. This, in turn, helps to boost the loading speed.
  • You can use some software for image optimization to ensure faster loading of images.
  • You can also use cloud service to store static contents and make them available quicker.

6. Not Doing AB Testing Of The Landing Page

What can work on one landing page may not work for another and so, it requires testing. There is no rocket science about what can be effective for your landing page. This is why you must do A/B testing of all major landing page elements.

  • You can do split testing of different versions of the same landing page and track conversion for each one of them.
  • Considerable elements for A/B testing include background color, page headline, headline text, CTA buttons, visual contents, etc.

Its a wrap, guys!

Last but not the least of all major considerations should be the use of customer testimonials and ratings to boost credibility and trustworthiness of the business. Using video contents is also not a bad idea if you can position it at the right time and place.

About The Author:

Roma Kapadiya SEO Consultant & Blogger at Nimblechapps, one of the leading mobile app development companies in India, USA & UK that holds the best team of skilled and expert app developers. I love to write on new and upcoming technology, startups, programming tools, and business and web design. When I am not writing, I read, so I can write more.