Boost is a wonderful responsive Joomla portfolio service template from JoomlaBamboo developer club. This template is specially created to use for showcasing business portfolios, photography portfolio, freelancer portfolios, artists folios, travel portfolios, work or anything that you feel to showcase with beautiful gallery oriented websites! Boost Joomla Template is compatibility with Joomla 3.x version and built on Zen Grid framework that help you to work on all smartphone devices with responsive layout. Boost Joomla Template is coming with subtle background textures with clean and striking typography to create an elegant web design, which is ideal for your customer’s folio or product service based websites.

Boost Joomla Template is designed with lightweight graphic, fast & flexible performance to load your website on all smartphone modern browsers. It has been tested with Google Page Speed Test and passed the score 90, hence you don’t need to worry about the SEO issues on page loading and optimising for content and images. The typography settings can be found in the backend theme control panel options with Google web fonts directory and Typekit.
Boost Joomla Photography Folios Template – Screen Shot View

The layout of Boost template is completely Draggable too, so it will very easy to get a visual representation of your website’s layout via the layout tool that helps to publish and control module interface. There is also some advanced features like bootstrap framework, CSS3 animation effects, Off canvase, mega menu support, accordion menus, lazy load image option to delay in loading images, back to top feature and sticky navigation bar and many more.
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