JS Enterprise is the Joomla 1.5 and 1.6 Template released latest template from JoomlaShack for the month of February 2011.  JS Enterprise is the perfect Joomla 1.5/1.6 template for businesses. JS Enterprise Joomla template will help you build your online ...

JV Tery Joomla Template is the first education template released from JoomlaVision for Joomla CMS. JV Tery Joomla Template is designed with best suited for any type of college, university, class room, school related, corporate, creative businesses or any similar ...

JM Books graphic design template gives the atmosphere of calmness and harmony. It seems to be ideal for books website or other similar branches like: newspapers, art, and designs. A subdued template colour doesn’t make any confusion and allows the ...

JM School is an excellent template for primary schools and also for other education or hobby themes connected with children. The graphic design is colorful, filled up with positive energy like children’s behavior. The template can be used to build ...

DJ Joomla Education Template for institutions involved in work with children. It can be used both by schools and other organization engaged in the development of children’s arts talents. The component DJ catalog used here will be up to a ...