A system of managing content on your website is crucial when it comes to website management or development. WordPress and Joomla have been two of the most popular content management systems. While WordPress is a wee bit more popular than ...

Joomla makes site building relatively easy and quick to accomplish. The intuitive nature of the program is such that a non-designer can manage the site when built. However, even well-intentioned beginners tend to make mistake after mistake and these pile ...

‘Content is king’, a saying you would have come across very often in the world of SEO.  The fact that the Internet is stuffed with content calls for a complete content management system.  This is exactly what the WordPress and ...

If you have decided on having Joomla as the content management system for your website, it is crucial that you pick a web hosting service that will give you everything you need to use Joomla to its full potential. Most ...

Content Management System (CMS) is a term that sparks a buzz in the web development industry owing to its innumerable benefits. With an effective CMS solution, you can literally turn a dull-looking website into a stunningly attractive one. Joomla is ...

Joomla, for those of you who haven’t heard about it, is a ‘management framework’ that is open source and therefore free. It is used to manage the information on the internet and the connections between organizations, via intranet. Think of ...