These days, you don’t really exist unless you are on the internet. This especially applies to companies, which without a proper website cannot count on making it big in today’s world. Such a demand for web presentations caused an equally ...
The need for instantly-loading and search engine optimised web designs has grown immensely in recent years. Mobile websites have to be compatible with iOS, RIM, Windows and Android operating systems. Also, mobile devices differ in sizes, for example smartphones, pads ...
In today’s fast-paced scenario, everyone is cramped for time. Some of us have been keen on developing a website, but were unsure of how to proceed with it or the lack of time had prompted us to procrastinate. If you ...
The emergence of several open source content management systems has truly simplified the task of creating a website or a blog. The myth of the requirement of professional skills and technical knowledge to develop a website and web content have ...
The Internet was not the same yesterday, today and nor will it be tomorrow. It is constantly evolving and adapting to the emerging concepts to offer the users the best of cyber experience. And specifically in the web design realm, ...
Web designing and developing of internet presentations and applications is a rather complex job which often requires using a number of tools that can sometimes cost a fortune. Here we made a list of free alternatives to those tools which, ...
With too many CMSs in the field it is difficult to choose one which would work best for us. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages leaving the developer in confusion. There are many aspects that need to be looked ...
People who need to surf web are really choosy. They want a quick approach to the required information. In this situation web master has to be careful and they have to keep the loading time and performance of the website ...
Joomla is free and it is a management system for efficiently managing your web content. Joomla is open source and enables you to publish content on the Internet or the Web and other intranet networks. It is created using PHP, ...
The advent of Internet has forced small, medium and large businesses to make their online presence prominent. In this quest, companies spend some big bucks on web designing only to realize that they do not yield the desired results. A ...