How to Make Your Web Design Relevant with the Times?

Web Design Relevant

In this day and age wherein it’s all about web marketing, it’s crucial to make your website stand out from the rest. But with trends constantly changing and more and more competitors taking advantage of web marketing, how do you do that?

It’s crucial that you always find ways to keep your website relevant, especially in Google search results. One way to go about this is to create a great user experience when an individual pays your website a visit. Organic clicks will help Google determine whether or not people find your website relevant or not. So, if people keep visiting your website and stay longer to explore what it has in store, then you can guarantee better rankings in search results.

So how do you go about it?

The key point to a great website is its functionality, layout, and great content.

1. Functionality

When you say functionality, its how your website works. Does it have unique features that make your website stand out from the rest? How will it be able to help your market determine you can benefit them in any way through your website?

This is on top of the list in keeping your website relevant because if you don’t have a fully functioning website, then you’re not going to expect anyone to stay longer than a second. Of course, if your website takes way too long to load then you can expect more visitors from your competitors. As much as possible, make sure to use plugins or features that are not too heavy on your website, so it won’t take long for them to wait.

Also, don’t make it too complex. In order to get more and more users to utilize your web site’s features or to go through its content is its user-friendly features. If it takes them a while to figure out how to log in, navigate through your site, or get the information that they need, they won’t stay long or come back.

Know that the functionality of your website will greatly affect your user experience, and ultimately affects your website’s ranking on search results. Should you plan on adding a unique twist to your website’s functionality, think of the end-user and how you can make it easier for them to get what they need from your website.

2. Layout

Your website’s visuals also play a part in its functionality and overall appeal. Your layout is what your end-user will see, so even if you’ve added the coolest features or made it as unique as possible with how your user will navigate through your website, if it doesn’t catch their attention, then they’re not going to proceed. Your web layout gives people the impression of your business’ personality. You would associate a web layout with the way people look on the outside. If they appear rather attractive to you, of course, you would stay longer to explore what they had to offer.

There are different ways on how you can go about your web layout to make it relevant. You can go for a simple, basic look or you can go the innovative route and conform to the latest trends.

When you decide to go for a simple, yet visually appealing, web layout, it makes it easier for your user to go through the contents of your website and find what they need. In addition, if you’re using your website to sell products or services, having a simple layout makes it easier for your consumers to purchase or avail of your services because they can see everything they need on the interface. Having a simple web layout is also easier to maintain and cost-efficient in itself.

On the other hand, if you go for an innovative, trendy website, it may attract attention and create an impact on those who visit your website. Having a unique feature on your website is a brand experience in itself. When you make your image online memorable, it promotes brand awareness. However, oftentimes, these features may affect the way your website functions or you may have to update it constantly to stay on trend.

So, before you create your own website for your business, try to consider the factors that come with its interface. Think about how its layout will benefit you and make a positive impression on your end-users.

3. Content

And lastly, you need excellent content. No matter how innovative or visually appealing your website looks, if it does not contain the information or content your user will need, then they will look for something else. If you want to introduce your business to an audience, you have to make sure it’s informative, straight to the point, and engaging.

Content does not only mean the copy of your website but also its videos and images. Your content also plays a big role in how relevant your website is, especially when it comes to keeping the user on your website. The longer they stay on your website, the higher you’ll rank on Google’s search engine, adding to your visibility and giving more and more people the opportunity to visit your website.

There are many ways to keep your website relevant in this competitive world of digital marketing. However, paying close to attention to the trends that are associated with these three key factors will essentially help you in planning out how it will look like, how it will benefit your users, and how you can inform them about your business in a way that keeps them engaged- ultimately leading to conversion.

About The Author:

I am Louise Savoie Digital Marketer at Proweaver, a web development company specializing in Custom Web Design which helps sole proprietors and small companies increase their sales and grow their business. I am responsible for Content Marketing and Social Media Marketing. You can find us on Twitter: @proweaver