IT TheLodge 3 is the updated version of latest IT TheLodge Joomla Template from IceTheme developer club. This template is specially designed and updated to use for any kind of online hotel booking / reservation based websites. IT TheLodge 3 Joomla Template is responsive layout design that support to all kind of mobile devices and tablet pc devices. It will give you a complete online booking website with amazing design and easy customizable options for your clients/customers. We can simply tell “IT TheLodge 3” is a complete booking solution, which has been integrated with specific free Joomla booking extension called “Solidres”, it supports Joomla 3.x versions only! You need to download and used it from 3rd party extension website.

A Perfect Dedicated Online Hotel Booking Joomla Template:
IT TheLodge 3 Joomla Template is full and fully dedicated responsive design that comes with all necessary features to display your hotels information, such as showcasing different kind room types, hotel’s amazing activities, visitors/clients testimonials, hotel’s awards, event photography or gallery sections and many more. Even you can book or reserve your rooms online with the help of Solidres component, which is customizable and display anywhere, as you desire on the pages, for example homepage, individual booking page and etc. It has some functions like collects room type and rates, check-in check-out date, number of guests, payments and contact information.
The homepage design of IT TheLodge 3 Joomla Template:
You may come across so many hotel websites, but IT TheLodge 3 template has unique with its design and appearance! The homepage is 100% customizable and easy to adjust as per your need from the backend admin panel. There are customizable slideshow on homepage to display large banners or rooms pictures, 8 custom premade page templates and 1 room specialized page template, which is specially designed to showcase your hotel rooms with all amenities like room benefits, occupancy, pictures and additional information.

IT TheLodge 3 Joomla Template Highlighted Features:
- Support for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x ready!
- Fully responsive Joomla 3.x & 2.5 versions
- Solidres Booking Extension Integrated (Joomla 3.x only)
- New Hotel Room Page – Premade page template
- Parallax Background Effect
- Full-width slideshow module
- 6 different template styles
- 9 Custom pages
- Built in with LESS CSS
- Bootstrap framework ready
- Complete theme installation tutorial and guide
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