With the plenitude of websites running live in real time and I am not the one who is saying, you can see the reports.
If you do not wish to be another clinched web designer you have to avoid the trends, as you will end up looking like your competitors. However, this cannot be done as you need to match pace with the current technological levels. So, what needs to be done. The simplest trick for this is to follow the trends in your way.
Let’s find out!
1.UI and UX development
The latest design trend prevalent in the UI design world is sketched; people have now replaced Photoshop for all UI design tasks that range from low-fidelity designing such as wireframes to icon and mockup design.
Moreover, the most talked about terms are UI and UX design which have grown in the industry to deliver niche products. Make sure that you know about these terms as employ the same to deliver high-end products for your business.
Caveat: The caution is here that you need to know the specific meaning and do not mince the meanings. Moreover, you also come with your ideas to deliver a great user experience.
2. Display plethora of information
The card layout is one of the most widely accepted design styles that was started by Pinterest. Those websites that have to display a lot of content on their web pages make use of card layout. Those who wish to adopt this layout can use jQuery Masonry, which is a free plugin that helps you to get animated card for different width and height.
A card layout is a suitable layout for those websites that need to make their data to be grasped in one go. Google has now adopted this card layout standard so as to advertise for the Google Now app.
3. Allow them to use the product
Focus on landing page design has seen a considerable growth be it the capabilities to browse or great Internet speeds. People do come up with a great idea to design landing pages, and one of the major design trends is to show live product previews on the home page if not the landing page.
This is a great thing for those who have designed an IT product such as a software. You can add a patch that makes the users check out what you have designed, and if they like it they can download it, or you can add purchasing constraints to it.
4. Automate your design process
Front end web development has evolved so much and has brought to us incredible trends that can be used to create incredible UI. Apart from this, we have task runners such as Grunt and Gulp that are designed to run a task that earlier required manual efforts.
Automation in the field of IT has become an excellent tool for making products swiftly and has improved the quality of the product. This is because machines do not make mistakes this helps us to reduce the turn around time for the users and using automatic machines will help you to reduce the turnaround time of your project.
Now you might be wondering what do these tools do. Thus, the simple answer is that these tools run JS code to automate your work process, they either user custom JS or develop the scripts written by a programmer.
5. Responsive Frontend Frameworks
There are numerous front-end development framework such as Bootstrap in the market for quite some time and has proved its mettle in the professional world. Now as the current need of the development world is responsive web design, therefore, all the frameworks have adopted the responsive design and this has replaced the demand for backend code with front code.
This year the design trend will focus more on responsive frontend framework and their importance in the web development. There are several front-end development frameworks such as Bootstrap and Foundation. Moreover, this framework keeps on launching new updates to improve their performance day by day.
6. Web Components are at its peak
Web components are designed in such a manner so as to solve the complexity for programmers.
Moreover, the developers do not have to worry much before choosing these Web Components as they come with an ample lot of resources and material.
Web components have been widely accepted in the mainstream development world, and professional developers have accepted them. As a result, Google has launched Polymer framework
that can be used to add web components using HTML and JS.
7. Tell your story using Rich Animations
One of the latest trends in the web destining was Storytelling, well not everyone has the same story, so there is no harm in adopting this trend. However, what you can do is to use Rich Animations to tell your story.
While using animation you need to be very much cautious while placing them and make sure that you place them subtly. Make sure the story elements suffice to the elements of your website’s story.
Moreover, animations are divided into to groups :Large scale and small scale animation.
There are tools such as Tumult Hype, Edge Animate Cc, SENCHA Animator 1.5, Google Web Designer, and many others that are used to design incredible rich animations.
Wrapping Up!
Well, this is a kind of a situation which you cannot completely ignore. If you ignore the trends, you will be termed as out of the league or the one who is lagging behind. This is the reason you need to add your creativity in developing your niche product.
About The Author:
This Case Study is a guest post was written by Kaira Clark – An Asp.net Developer at Xicom Technologies Ltd. she’s always happy to share her passion for Web Development and Designing. If you’re planning to Hire Asp.net Developers for a brilliant online presence, she is the one for you.
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