Avantlink is the latest addition to the large number of WP Robot 3.4 content sources for autoblogging. Avantlink.com is a fast growing affiliate network with plenty of products by large merchants to choose from and add to your sites. You will earn affiliate commission for each sale you refer through the Avantlink partner program, adding yet another valuable source of automatic income to your autoblogging network!

AvantLink WordPress Plugin Features:
- Avantlink API ID: Your Avantlink API identifier is required to connect to Avantlink.
- Avantlink Website ID: The ID of your website from your Avantlink account.
- Merchants: A pipe-delimited list of AvantLink assigned merchant identifiers, e.g. “123|456”.
- Sort Order: Specify how you want WP Robot to sort the results.
- Minimum Price: Select a minimum price to search for, in full numbers only, i.e. 10 for at least 10$.
- Maximum Price: Select a maximum price to search for, in full numbers only, i.e. 100 for at max 100$.
To download or demo click here: AvantLink WordPress Plugin.
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