7 Strategies to Multiply Your Ecommerce Sales

Recommending Related Products

As you have landed here reading the TITLE, we’re gonna talk about the sales strategies to multiply sales, doesn’t matter if it is online or offline.

1. Product Bundling

To do product bundling means to group or bundle up two or more products which are often purchased together at the same time because of their combined usability or combined necessity and then offered at a price which is lower than what costs purchasing products individually.

This is called Product Bundling.

This is how it visually looks like :

Product BundlingYou may have seen such tactic many a time in malls and supermarkets. They try to sell more to us using this strategy and mostly, they succeed. We fall into the trap of cheap price and more products.

Accidentally, we purchase products we mostly don’t even need.

.Because marketers understand our psychology. And they trick us with our this psychology. Product Bundling has worked for many years and continues to show results.

2. Upselling Products

Look at the picture below: You can easily understand upselling by this image:

Upselling ProductsThus, upselling means to offer the customer a higher version or costlier version of what he is intending to buy.

It simply means to ask him more money than what he is willing to spend on his decided product by offering a greater or newer model of the product or service

Now, you might be very clear about what upselling means.

3. Cross-selling Products

Look at the picture below: You can easily understand cross-selling by this image:

Cross-selling ProductsThus, it simply means to add more products in their handbag 🙂 Offer something that will be useful to the customer along with his main product

And again ask him to spend more on the total bill than what the customer was paying previously. Cross-selling has also shown many conversions.

4. Recommending Related Products

Recommending related products means to show some more products from the same category that the customer is reviewing.

Recommending Related ProductsThe average increase in conversion rate is 15%.

There are chances that the customer might like some more products along with his product and maybe he purchases all such products together.


If you are running an e-commerce business and specially made on WordPress and are involved in one or the other way in online sales, then you can also reap the benefits of product bundling by yourself.

Sounds strange…! Right !?

There is a plugin in WordPress that allows website developers/creators to bundle products on e-commerce websites. YESS! It does allow.

The plugin name is WooCommerce Product Bundle Choice. You can download it here.

The plugin allows you to perform all such tactics online on your website like Product Bundling. Upselling products, cross-selling products, recommending related products, design your own jewelry feature and making your own clothing pair.

5. Free Trial

There are few words in marketing like [FREE, SECRET, LIMITED] that really drive traffic. If you are having any service-based business or even if you sell products and if you provide it for free with the intention of trying. There are more chances of conversion.

Free TrialThe FREE word itself is like motivating a person to really buy from you. Take 100% benefit of this word to increase sales.

6. Create a Backstory

Most companies have a backstory and those companies who don’t have a backstory, create a backstory. So why do they do it?

There must be a strong reason right? Because those companies are not fooled to share their backstory.

Your backstory could be your business objective.

Create a backstoryBackstory plays a very important role in your business. It is related to emotions but even though the business is not about emotions, backstory still plays an important role.

Have you heard of the phrase “People buy into emotions”?

That’s what I am talking about. Create a backstory of how you started and then tell everyone about it through different platforms.

7. Sell More to Existing Customers

It is known that it is 5x more difficult to attract new customers than to encourage existing customers. So we should focus on retaining existing customers than to acquire new.

Sell More to Existing CustomersEvery Brand’s biggest asset is its existing customers. You should try to upsell and cross-sell to your existing customers first.

Every time you launch a new product, give your existing customers the first priority than to the new customers. They will feel an invaluable part of the company.

These are complete best strategies one could think of to increase sales.

Make sure to apply these in your business.

If you also know one or two strategies apart from mentioned above, you can comment below.

If you wanna know more in future then reverse engineer big companies marketing process and I am sure you will find something useful.

About The Author:

I am Kunal Vatwani. I work at Sphere Plugins. It is an IT Company that makes WordPress and open cart plugins. WooCommerce Product Bundle is also a WordPress plugin developed by our team. I like to learn new and practical things. You can connect with me on Instagram.