Affectio Template is the best game Joomla template is the perfect option for any games portal or news website. It is very attractive and has 4 special slideshow positions for better performance. Create your own games portal with Affectio template and stay on top.
Amaze your visitors with new fresh design. You will enjoy stylish backgrounds, typography and MightyGear library for slideshows and animated menus. Plenty of module postions and tableless layout make this template very customizable.

Affectio Joomla Template Features:
- 6 preset styles
- 18 module positions
- MightyGear inside!
- XHTML 1.0 Transitional
- CSS 2.1
- Cross-browser support (IE7+, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome)
- Mighty checkboxes/radiobuttons
- 4 bonus slideshow positions
- Tableless layout
- Typography
- Joomla 1.5 native
To download or demo click here: Affectio Joomla Template.
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