DJ Business006 is very simple template for Joomla 1.5 Template and it is designed in 3-coloured scheme. It makes a favorable impression of lightness.

Template is extremely easy configuration and ideal for customers who wish to maintain order and transparency of the displayed content. Template includes a clock (made in flash) showing the current time. The template for Joomla 1.6 includes styles for 3 colour versions, you can switch between them or for example assign the singular template version to the specific menu item.
DJ Business006 Joomla Template Features:
- Width: 944px
- Available sources: .PSD slices , .PSD source , .HTML, full installation package
- MooTools drop-down menu (must install the dj-menu menu module, attached to the package)
- CSS drop-down menu (must install the dj-menu menu module, attached to the package)
- Clean pure CSS/Tableless Design
- Lightweight and fast-loading
- Collapsible module positions
- 3 module colour suffixes (default + 2 suffixes)
- 6 module design suffixes (default + 5 suffixes)
- 3 layout options: 3 columns (left+component+right ), 2 columns (left+component/component+right), 1 column(component)
- 3 colour options of template setting on template configuration (gray, light blue, brown)
- Replacable header position
- RTL option
- Integrated typography
- W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid
- Fully compatible IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox 3+, Firefox 3.5+, Firefox 4, Firefox 5, Flock 0.7+, Chrome, Safari, Opera
To download or demo click here: DJ Business006 Joomla Template.
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