General Contractor is a simple and awesome responsive Joomla labor service template from Shape5 developer club. This template is specially designed for all kind of labor service based websites like plumber, handyman, mason, electrician, roofing, home/office renovations, interior renovation, exterior renovation, drywall, painting, garden design, bath room remodel, outdoor entertainment, landscape and construction company services. Since it has been specially made it for labor services, you will see all kind of necessary features like phone number, email address, office timings are placed in the top right along with the Call to Action “request quote” area which leads your users down to the contact form.
General Contractor Joomla Template is compatible with Joomla 3.x version and built on powerful framework called “S5 vertex framework”, which is coming with plenty of features and customizable option for your website. There is a new module has been included with this template, s5 Masonry module that allows you to display your latest projects or portfolio work on the homepage by publishing a new article with an image.
The demo of General Contractor template has been loaded with Construction Company with sample data of their service and work. It can be easily altered with the help of Shape5’s site shaper, which will allow you to modify the content and images directly without knowing any additional coding knowledge.
The homepage comes with large image slider to the article content and the next section allows you to display about your service with Font Awesome icons, about your company service and client’s testimonials, display latest projects and footer section to display about contact form with business location, faq’s information and footer menu. Check out the additional features and demo screen shot below:
General Contractor Joomla Labor Service Template – Screen Shot View

Highlighted Features of General Contractor Joomla Template:
- Responsive Layout and mobile friendly
- Adapt to Any Screen Size like tables, laptop, desktop, smartphones and etc.
- 95 collapsible core template positions
- Thousands of Layout Options
- Vertex Framework
- SEO Optimized and fast loading…
- Tool Tips Enabled
- Multibox Enabled
- Lazy Load Enabled
- Menu Scroll To
- Hide Article Component Area
- Parallax Backgrounds
- Drop Down Panel
- File Compression
- Stock Photography
- Site Shaper Available
- Google Fonts collection Enabled
- Page, Row and Column Widths
- Advanced Typography
- Fluid and Fixed Layouts
- Fixed Side Tabs
- 3rd Party Component Compatible
- Floating Menu
- Scroll Reveal
- Full Page Scroll
- LTR and RTL Language support
- Theme tutorials
- And much more…
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