Iridium WordPress Template is April 2010 Club Theme release from RocketTheme. This is a theme bursting at the seams with features such as the 6 unique style variations, the sophisticated styling of various popular RocketTheme widgets, and the standard, high performance and adaptable framework.
The template is perfect for a content driven site that wishes to have some flair. Its flexibility allows you to select the level of graphical intensity for your elements, from the style variation, the combination choice and widget variations.

Iridium WordPress Theme Features:
- 6 Style Variations
- 18 Background Combinations
- SEF Optimised Layout
- Custom Fonts
- New Theme Settings Page
- Fusion Menu
- RokSwitcher Widget
- RokTabs Widget
- RokStories Widget
- RokBox
- Widget Hilites
- 23 Widget Positions
- Fully translatable
- New! Typography
- IE6 Warning Message
- FF3.5, Opera 10, Safari 4, IE6,7,8 Compatible
- W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS 3 Valid
To download or demo click here: Iridium WordPress Theme.
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