JA Methys Joomla Template brings all the three template clubs of JA JD Methys and JM Methys. JA Methys is hot and bold Joomla Template and can be used for many purposes, limited only by one’s imagination. Wide slideshow and bright colors blend in well with the design. Go ahead and treat your eyes.

Powered by robust T3 Framework 2, it comes bundled with 10 complimentary extensions. JA Methys for Joomla 1.6 Template will be released by March second week without the K2 style support. K2 style support for now is limited to Joomla 1.5 versions only. RTL support for JA Methys will be added in the coming week.
JA Methys Joomla Template Features:
- Running on T3 Framework Version 2
- 5 color options
- 4 Menu options: JA Split, JA Css, JA Dropline & JA Mega menu
- Inbuilt Google Fonts configuration
- Inbuilt CSS and JavaScript Compression
- Joomla 1.5.x & Joomla 1.6.x (coming up) compatible
- Cross Browser Support: IE7+, Firefox 2+, Safari 3+, Chrome 8+, Opera 9+ and other Standards-Supporting Browsers.
- XHTML 1.0 Transitional
- CSS Validates
- Valid 508 Accessibility
- Well-commented template_css.css and index.php file for flexible customization
JA Methys Complimentary Extensions:
- JA Slideshow II
- JA Bulletin Module
- JA Sidenews Module
- JA Tabs
- JA Twitter
- JA NewsTicker Module
- JA Facebook like it
- JA FaceBook Activity Module
- JA FaceBook LikeBox Module
- JA PopUp plugin
- JA Extension Manager
To download or demo click here: JA Methys Joomla Template.
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