JA Portfolio is September 2010 Joomla Template 1.0.0 (beta) has been released from JoomlArt Template Club. Here are the few highlights of this template. It brings for you supported style for our JA Showcase component and also get newly developed JA ContentSlider 2 module and JA LoadModule plugin as complimentary extensions.
JA Amazon S3 component (JAEC Only) is also being unveiled along with this template and will help in placing the showcase images to the Amazon cloud service for easy distribution, so that some load is off from your own server.

JA Portfolio Joomla Template Features:
- Introducing JA Showcase component, JA Content Slider 2 Module and JA Load module Plugin, and all supporting K2 articles too.
- Live Demo, Download and Discussion Forum.
- Special styles for JA Showcase Component, and K2 Component.
- Runs on T3 V2 framework.
- 7 complimentary extensions.
- More colors to be added with stable release (next weekend).
- Updated Typography Styles.
To download or demo click here: JA Portfolio Joomla Template.
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