JM Classifieds is the template graphic design is light, clean with dimmed and pastel colors. The main purpose of that template is a presentation of DJ Classifieds component, which allows you to add text advertisements into thematic categories, assigning images and descriptions to them.

You can also allow users to add their own advertisements at your website and optional there is possibility to charge users for it.
JM Classifieds Template Features:
- Width: 960px
- Available sources: .PSD, .HTML, full installation package
- CSS drop-down menu (must install the extended menu module, attached to the package)
- Clean pure CSS/Tableless Design
- Lightweight and fast-loading
- Collapsible module positions
- 3 color design module options for top modules (default + 2 suffixes)
- 2 design module options for right and left columns (default + 1 suffix)
- Replaceable header position
- 2 layout options for the FrontPage: 2 columns (component+right ), 1 column(component)
- 3 layout options: 3 columns (left+component+right ), 2 columns (left+component/component+right), 1 column(component)
- Integrated typography
- W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid
- Fully compatible IE7, IE8, Firefox 2+, Firefox 3+,Firefox 3.5+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera
To download or demo click here: JM Classifieds Joomla Template.
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