JM Wedding02 Joomla Template for Husband & Wife Photo Album

JM Wedding02 Joomla Template
JM Wedding02 Joomla Template

JM Wedding02 Joomla Template is a new wedding template, which can be safely used to show off their husband, wife or a successful wedding event. A wedding day is the most beautiful day in the life. On the other hand, this day turns out to be a complete flop for others 🙂 but let’s focus our attention on these lucky fellows…

JM Wedding02 Joomla Template
JM Wedding02 Joomla Template

JM Wedding02 Joomla Template Features:

  • Width: 900px
  • Available sources: .PSD, .HTML, full installation package
  • CSS drop-down menu (must install the extended menu module, attached to the package)
  • Clean pure CSS/Tableless Design
  • Lightweight and fast-loading
  • Collapsible module positions
  • 3 layout options: 3 columns (left+component+right ), 2 columns (left+component/component+right), 1 column(component)
  • Header position width option setting on template configuration
  • Integrated typography
  • W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid
  • Fully compatible IE6, IE7, IE8, Firefox 2+, Firefox 3+,Firefox 3.5, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera

To download or demo click here: JM Wedding02 Joomla Template.