JM Women Clothing template is designed for a store that makes women and atmosphere warm up during shopping, this time in online (VirtueMart) store. If you are not interested in purchasing VirtueMart template but you like this design.

JM Women Clothing Template Features:
- Width: 1000px
- Available sources: .PSD, .HTML, full installation package
- CSS drop-down menu (must install the extended menu module, attached to the package)
- Clean pure CSS/Tableless Design
- Lightweight and fast-loading
- Collapsible module positions
- 2 design module suffix options (default + 1 suffix)
- 2 layout options: 2 columns (left+component), 1 column(component)
- Header position width option setting on template configuration
- Integrated typography
- W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid
- Fully compatible IE6, IE7, IE8, Firefox 2+, Firefox 3+, Firefox 3.5, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera
To download or demo click here: JM Women Clothing Template.
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