Magz Plazza is Joomla blogging template that ideal for magazine, portfolio and gallery based websites. Built with TPframework2 and a neat JQuery layout Plugin that allow you to arrange your Joomla content vertically than horizontally with flexible control over the number of columns on the FrontPage and blog categories page.

Magz Plazza Joomla Template Features:
Joomla Compatibility: Joomla 1.5.x
Quick start: Joomla 1.5.x
Manual: Yes
PSD Files: Yes
Browser Compatibility: Firefox, IE7 + IE8, Opera, Safari, Chrome, Safari iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Mobile 6.x, Android, Palm, Opera Mini
Special Features/ Function / Add On:
- Floating Article Box
- TPLogin XTD
Design Variations 2 Skeletons, 2 Themes, 3×11 font families and 3×3 Font sizes
Menu Types TPMenu extension for TPFramework, including Dropdown, DropXTD (Mega Menu), Dro Line, Drop Column and dolphin
Typography Xtypo
Lightbox Effect TPBox2
Moo tooltips Yes
Module Positions: 24 Fully Collapsible Module Positions
Tableless Design: Yes
Valid XHTML / CSS: Yes
GZip Loader * Yes, handled by TPFramework 2
IE6 Browser Warning Yes, handled by TPFramework 2
To download or demo click here: Magz Plazza Joomla Template.
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