Pantheon Joomla Template is a transparency and the use of vibrant background images. This theme is 100% transparent and allows you to set one or multiple background images in a rotating effect, making your design experience endless.

In addition to its great design there are other great features such as an amazing 34 module positions and three module styles, fixed of fluid width settings, custom column and page width settings, choose your own highlight color, support for right to left languages, and so much more.
Pantheon Joomla Template Features:
- 100% tableless CSS
- Validates with XHTML 1.0 Transitional
- Validates with CSS Level 3
- Joomla 1.5 compatible
- SQL dump available
- RTL language support
- Custom highlight color links and titles
- Custom background images
- Optional background rotation for up to 6 images
- SEO Optimized
- Fixed or Fluid page layout with custom column widths
- 34 module positions and 3 styles
- Module edits: S5 Live Search, S5 Tab Show, S5 Accordion, S5 Box
- Sliced PSDs included
- Site Shaper available (Joomla install that includes demo data)
- Fully collapsible module positions
- Multibox enabled
- Tool Tips enabled
- 5 Menu systems:
- Choose style: Drop Down, Fading, Scroll Down, Suckerfish, None
- Choose script: jQuery, S5 Effects
- Compatible with the following browsers:
- IE7+
- Firefox 1.5+
- Opera 9+
- Safari
- Chrome

To download or demo click here: Pantheon Joomla Template.
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