Political is newly released WordPress Club Theme from Shape5 for the month of February 2011. Political WordPress Theme is perfect for government or political site. Political WordPress Theme includes the features, functionality and political style site needs.

Political WordPress Theme Features:
- 100% tableless CSS
- Validates with XHTML 1.0 Transitional
- Validates with CSS Level 3
- WordPress 3.0.X compatible
- Custom background image
- SEO Optimized
- Fixed or Fluid page layout with custom column widths
- 31 widget positions and 9 styles
- Sliced PSDs included
- Site Shaper available (WordPress install that includes demo data)
- Fully collapsible module positions
- Lytebox enabled
- 5 Menu systems: Choose style: Drop Down, Fading, Scroll Down, Suckerfish, None
Compatible with the following browsers:
- IE7+
- Firefox 1.5+
- Opera 9+
- Safari
- Advant
- Chrome
To download or demo click here: Political WordPress Theme.
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