Portfolio Joomla Template is geared toward the Joomanager Component. Although it is designed for this component the template still will function just like our other Shape 5 templates.
By the simplest definition, Joomanager is a Joomla 1.5 native only component that gives your site the ability to list multiple items in multiple categories in a directory layout. Items you could list could be for a portfolio, items for sale, etc.

Portfolio Joomla Template Features:
- 100% tableless CSS
- Validates with XHTML 1.0 Transitional
- Validates with CSS Level 3
- Joomla 1.5 only
- SQL dump available
- 24 module positions
- Sliced PSDs included
- Site Shaper available (Joomla install that includes demo data but not Joomanager)
- Fully collapsible module positions
- Set background images and color via template parameters
- Lytebox enabled
- Tool Tips enabled
- 4 Menu systems:
- Choose style: Drop Down, Fading, Scroll Down or Suckerfish
- Choose script: jQuery, S5 Effects
- Custom page and column widths
Compatible with the following browsers:
- IE7+
- Firefox 1.5+
- Opera 9+
- Safari
- Advant
- Chrome
To download or demo click here: Portfolio Joomla Template.
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