Somaxiom concentrates on elegance of design and styled third party extension support. The visuals are refined and conservative, making the appearance suitable for many different types of sites, as well as providing a base for extensive customization.

The template sports the latest version of the Gantry Framework, which provides such features as native iPhone Support, Google Web Fonts, and Smart Loading, amongst others.
Somaxiom Joomla Template Features:
- Gantry Framework
- 8 Preset Styles
- RTL Support
- Native iPhone Versions
- Jomsocial, K2, JComments Styling
- RT Extensions Styling
- Custom Typography & JS Form Styling
- Fusion & Triple Level Splitmenu
- 11 Module Variations
- 68 Module Positions
- FF3.6, Opera, Safari 4, IE7,8 Compatible
- Limited IE6 Support
- W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS 3 Valid
To download or demo click here: Somaxiom Joomla Template.
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