In recent months, the demand towards good web designers has intensified. This is contrary to a few years ago when coders were they going commodity in the market. Given that this is evident and true, what would you need to become apart of this emerging profession of web design? This article answers this question with a few tips on what you need to learn to become a good web designer.
On the face of it, web design sounds fancy but it’s far away from that. This is because web design encompasses two opposing sides that are quite difficult to measure. And whereas some people would direct with you like, do ABC courses to become a web designer; in reality, it’s far from that. The two parts that round up web design are design and programming. These are the two main options as far as the skill you need to learn to become a graphic designer. This part will look at the basic things you need to understand in as far as these ends are concerned to become a good web designer.
To get started as a web designer, experts recommend starting from the design end. This end will give you all the skills you need to design, become proficient in typography, and conceptualizing which are very important skills needed for good web design. Of course there are a number of courses that can help you fit this bar. These include Photoshop®, Dreamweaver®, and FrontPage® skills, among others though these can get you started. Some animation courses are also emerging as design options you might consider.
However, this does not mean you go on a spree to create fancy stuff that is difficult to use or not applicable. Go to design school and learn more of the inspirational design aspects to create amazing products people would love. You also need to learn what typography is and were to get the best in design; this is what is on demand.
The second aspect of web design you need to understand is the programming part. In particular, you need to study and become proficient in basic website programming languages; HTML and XHTML. These are the languages that interpret content into web browsers.
You also need to learn about CSS – which basically teaches you to style. How does the content you create in HTML appear on the webpage that interprets it? This skill helps you create pages, give color and whatever you need to make the website perfect.
The other programming you need to learn to become a good web designer is scripting. For this one, there are twofold. There is the client side scripting and the server side scripting code you have to learn. Learning some java scrip can help you get there, because it’s the average standard among most developers and website designers/ web browsers.
In a nutshell, these are the basic skills you need to become a good web designer. An important point to note is that, web design is not a theoretical process. In fact, the standard web design employer looks for skills based on done projects done, more than they do academic qualifications. Therefore, you need as much time as possible, practice with different products, samples and create a portfolio of real work. This coupled with a good skill set will grant you success if you choose to go along with web design as a career option.
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