5 Joomla Components to Boost Your Site’s Performance By 500%

You may be feeling surprised with the figure that is mentioned in the title. However, the figure is quite close to the truth. You can really increase the visibility and efficiency of your website by installing below mentioned components. Joomla is an excellent open source web content management system, which can be hosted in cost-efficient manners. However, you require some set of plugins for optimize your website as per your motive.

1. Akeeba Backup

Akeeba BackupWell, it is one of the most needful plugin for any Joomla website. Moreover, every website, irrespective of CMS tool, should have such plugin to keep the copy of website secured. This extension secures you from all kind of data losses. It is true that your sincere hosting partner takes back up of your website but in case of failure. You may lose all of your site’s date. In such disaster, this extension will save you from this.

Download it from here.

2. EasyBlog

EasyBlogIf you like to add a blogging application in your Joomla website then it is the best tool. Due to this extension, Joomla is winning over WordPress for blogging sites. It simply provides a gentle front-end to create, publish, and distribute your blog posts. Therefore, you can simply enjoy blogging in your Joomla site without looking at WP. You will have to pay $79 for this blog. The paid version is available with support for comment, CAPTCHA, and auto social media distribution.

Download it from here.

3. JCE

JCEIn case, you are looking for an extension to enhance the editing competencies of your website then this extension is best. It simply adds WYSIWYG editor in your website. Therefore, you will be able to make necessary changes in your website contents without having familiarity with HTML. With this tool, you will be able to manage your images, contents, and captions.

Download it from here.

4. JomSocial

JomSocialIf you are looking for a plugin to add social media networking features in your website then it is the best extension. This plugin lets you create all kinds of features that a leading social networking site provides. Therefore, you can use this extension to create a great social networking website. In this way, you will need to understand the potential of this extension before installation.

Download it from here.

5. Kunena Forum

Kunena ForumAre you finding an extension to add a forum feature in your corporate website? If it is so then this extension will add forum setting in your website.

Download it from here.

So, you just need to download these extensions from the Joomla Directory or official websites of the developers and install in your website.