Eventfull is a simple yet powerful responsive Joomla two-in one template from Shape5 developer club. This template has been designed to fit for two kinds of web design websites, such as “Business – Light Style” and “Athletic – Dark Style” that can switch from the backend administration area.
Eventfull Business Light Style Joomla Template:

Normally this Eventfull template will help you to setup online business services based websites, such as corporate companies to showcase their services, Internet marketing companies, technology or software conference businesses, general public speakers and anything that related to business conference websites.
Eventfull Athletic Dark Style Joomla Template

This design will allow you to setup sporty related websites like personal trainings, GYM and Workouts, yoga, instructional type of sites, bike and motor sport sites and anything that related to sports websites to showcase their training and services.
Eventfull Joomla Template has been built with powerful framework called “Vertex Framework”, which is coming with plenty of features to adjust the settings and create out of box web design for your clients or customers. The layout is responsive and mobile friendly design to use on all latest smartphones and modern browser devices. Eventfull template comes with full page scroll option and option to enable floating menu for the mobile/tablet version devices.
Higlighted Features of Eventfull Joomla Template:
- Compatibility with Joomla 2.5 and 3.x version
- Integrated Google maps with 3 options like default, light gray and dark gray
- S5 Flex menu or S5 Overlay menu option
- 100 collapsible core template positions
- Two menu options: overlay or drop downs
- 6 custom module suffixes
- 2 custom highlight colors
- 2 custom highlight fonts
- Enable or disable uppercase letters
- Built on Vertex Framework
- SEO ready
- CSS/JS Compression
- Theme installation tutorials
- Site Shaper
- And many more…
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