HOT It Starts is a simple yet powerful Joomla Template from HotJoomlaTemplates Club. It Starts Joomla Template is released with all premium options and natively support for Joomla 1.5, 1.7 and 2.5 ready! It Starts will give you a simple and elegant Joomla Blogging design for your website. It comes with six different colors (Green, Yellow, Brick, Purple, Pink, and White) and well coded for SEO as well as 14 different module positions that helps you to customize the template easily.

HOT It Starts Joomla Template Features:
- Six color schemes and six module styles included.
- Joomla 1.5, Joomla 1.7 and Joomla 2.5 ready!
- Four background styles.
- W3C valid XHTML and CSS table-less structure.
- Fast-loading top menu with drop-down submenu items, with a nice jQuery animation effect.
- JQuery based page peel (can be disabled in template parameters).
- JQuery based Lightbox image gallery built-in the template.
- 14 fully collapsible module positions.
- Cross browser support, tested on IE6, IE7, IE8, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Chrome.
- PSD source files included.
- Support for RTL languages
- HotStart files included.
To download or demo click here: HOT It Starts Joomla Template.
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