JV Hisano Template is the Joomla Template carried the spirit of an luxurious site selling or introducing products through internet. As you can see, JV Hisano using wood vein as background which is very suitable for Interior Decorations Company as well as home or office equipments.

JV Hisano continue keep JV Content Slideshow as the main presentation which delivered the best overview of your products or Content to visitors. Left and Right columns are now placed behind each other and give main area for Content. If you feel not enough with JV Content Slideshow yet, JV Last Content sitting in bottom area will do more jobs by displaying multiple Content with images and text together.
JV Tabs was also placed above left and right columns maximized what you want to deliver to visitor but still saving space for other elements.
To download or demo click here: JV Hisano Joomla Template.
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