MediaMogul Essentials is the another release in the Essentials template series of RocketTheme which features all the power and functionality of the modern RocketTheme templates under the hood, but with a super clean and super fast lightweight design that is perfect for the most conservative of sites.
MediaMogul Essentials Series Features:
- RokNewsRotator article slideshow system
- RokNewsFlash dynamic newsflash module
- RokMediaScroller display system
- 26 Fully Collapsible Module Positions
- RokSlide Tabbed Module System
- 1.0 and 1.5 RocketLauncher Packages Available
- 3 Built-in Menu Systems
- RokZoom Integration – Custom Slimbox Variant
- Source Adobe PNG Source Files Included
- W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid
To download or demo click here: MediaMogul Essentials Series.
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