Modern Flavor Responsive Joomla Template for Restaurant, Food & Chefs

Modern Flavor is recently released fresh Premium Joomla Template from Shape5 Club for the month of August 2012. Modern Flavor Joomla Template is specially designed for restaurants, hotels, foods, chefs or delicious items online, but you can always customize it and use according to your needs. Modern Flavor comes with plenty of features such as easy change color options from admin panel, responsive layout design that support for desktops, tablets and smartphones, highlight multiple colors, custom fonts from Google and moreover you will get site shaper with this template where you can run website quickly with a little effort. Modern Flavor has been used with latest web technologies like File Compression that helps search engines to crawl your website quick and easily, S5 vertex framework, SEO optimized layout structure and much more…

Modern Flavor Responsive Joomla Restaurant Template

Modern Flavor Joomla Template is compatibility with Joomla 1.7 and Joomla 2.5 ready. It is also coming with some unique features such as 94 unique module positions, Custom Highlight Colors for phone number and hours, social media icons for Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and RSS, small menu options as well as highlight fonts. Check out the additional features and demo screen shot:

Modern Flavor Joomla Template Module Positions:

Modern Flavor Joomla Template Module Positions

Menu Items Features:

  • Multiple javascript effects with core mootools
  • Multiple columns for menu items or modules
  • Modules load directly into the menu
  • Group sub menu items into the same column or fly out
  • Optional sub texts for each menu item
  • Optional menu icon images for each menu item

S5 The Vertex Responsive Layout framework Features:

  • The responsive layout is completely optional,
  • Virtually no JavaScript. The only javascript used is for the mobile bar effects and to add responsive capabilites to IE7.
  • Start with a fixed or fluid layout.
  • Optional IE7/8 responsive layout.
  • Very easy to understand layout, which allows you to setup your site with very little effort.
  • Fully customizable mobile bar styling.
  • Hide divs, modules and content easily with hide classes at specified screen sizes.
  • Wide screen support options.
  • Multiple options for fluid width images.
  • And much more!

S5 Joomla Extensions Used on Modern Flavor:

  • S5 Flex Menu
  • S5 Accordion Menu
  • S5 Box
  • S5 Tab Show
  • S5 Image and Content Fader

Modern Flavor Joomla Template Features:

  • S5 Vertex framework platform
  • Optional responsive layout (adapt to any screen size)
  • Joomla Version: 1.7 and 2.5 ready!
  • Responsive hide classes
  • 94 collapsible core template positions plus 4 mobile positions
  • 9 custom module suffixes
  • Two Custom highlight colors and gradient options
  • Optional hours and phone in header
  • Turn off module highlight color
  • Custom highlight font
  • Social icons integrated
  • S5 Flex Menu integrated
  • Choose fluid or fixed template widths
  • Max body width
  • Custom column, page and row widths
  • Mobile device support
  • Designed with CSS3 – Limited support for IE7 and IE8 through PIE
  • RTL language support
  • Drop down panel
  • 3rd Party Stylings for Joomanager, Tienda, Virtuemart, and K2
  • Google Fonts
  • SEO optimized
  • Hide component area on any page
  • Fixed tabs
  • Menu scroll to section
  • Site shaper available (Joomla install that includes demo data)
  • PSDs included
  • File compression for core files
  • Info Slide enabled
  • Multibox enabled
  • Lazy Load enabled
  • Tool tips enabled
  • Equalizer script
  • 100% tableless CSS
  • Validates with XHTML 1.0 Transitional
  • Validates with CSS Level 3 with browser specific calls

Compatible with the following browsers:

  • IE7+
  • Firefox 1.5+
  • Opera 9+
  • Safari
  • Chrome
  • iOS and Android browsers

Tutorials Included:

  • Joomla and Vertex Tutorials
  • Site Shaper Setup
  • Installing The Template
  • Setting Up Module Styles
  • Configuring The Template
  • Search and Menus Setup
  • S5 Login and Register Setup