Pinkoola Template is a fully transparent collapsible Joomla template. With over 150 different style variations, it can fit into any available niche. JB have included jQuery slideshow module, 3 different menu systems, 19 module positions, reflection, awesome typography and so much more.
Another cool feature is included in Pinkoola. Footer boxes will automatically adjust their sizes, depends on how many modules are active. It’s also our first template using completely tableless Joomla overrides, so no more overwriting the default Joomla files.

Pinkoola Joomla Template Features:
- Fully collapsible all-in-one template
- 155 different style variations
- 3 different menu systems
- Featured slideshow
- 19 different module positions
- Enhanced typography
- Valid CSS level 2.1
- Template parameters
- PSD source files
- Fully tabless Joomla overrides
- Valid XHTML 1.0 transitional
- IE6 png transparency fix
To download or demo click here: Pinkoola Joomla Template.
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