ZT Hosting is recently released Joomla Template from ZooTemplate Club. ZT Hosting Joomla Template is specially designed for online hosting websites. If you are planning to start your own web hosting company, then ZT Hosting would be the finest choice to start your business with all options. ZT Hosting Joomla Template has featured with all requirement of a Web Hosting company to showcase their services like Unlimited Web Hosting, Web Hosting Plans, Hosting Solutions and Hosting Package Table for listing prices and much more. ZT Hosting Joomla Template comes with lots of packages to design your website such as JV Headlines, K2 Component. With ZT Hosting Template you will get a unique frame work layout and experience.
ZT Hosting Joomla Hosting Company Template Screen Shot of Homepage

ZT Hosting Joomla Template Features:
- It can be used for web hosting business, product services, online tools selling/buying and more…
- Build in color tools
- Mega Menu supported
- 100% Tableless design. 100% CSS/DIV compliance.
- Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.7 native
- Smartphone template ready
- RTL language support
- Well-comment CSS and PHP code files
- Tutorial + Detailed user guide
- Delivered with source Adobe .PSD files
- Delivered with QuickStart Package
- K2 CCK supported
- 2 columns layout based template
- 16 module positions ready
- Compatible IE 7+, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera 9+, Chrome
- JavaScript, CSS compression and Cache supported
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