10 Signs It’s Time for a Magento 2 Migration

The technology you have built your business on should be updated, supported, and maintained. And, when the support ceases to exist, it is time to go for an upgrade. Adobe officially stopped support for Magento 1 in 2020, making it absolutely necessary to adopt Magento 2.

Change is hard, but when there are compelling reasons for seeking newer and advanced versions, we have to give adoption a closer look. If the fact that Adobe stopped support is not reason enough to make a move, we are giving you ten reasons to consider. But before we do that, let’s see why you should ask your Magento development team to migrate to the latest version.

Magento 1 – The End of Life

Magento is known for being a highly flexible and scalable platform. And customization options are its USP. Yet, some critical chunks were missing in the platform – mobile responsiveness, development costs were too high, and support was lacking. Now, Magento 2 has solved several of these issues and some more.

10 Signs It is Time for a Magento 2 Migration Now

If the end of life is not reason enough to migrate to Magento 2, we will give you ten solid reasons why migration is the only smart choice left to you.

1. Of course, the end of support.

Magento 1 has been retired- officially, and it is time you gave migration to Magento a thought. Although Magento 1 was designed to be a flexible platform, it wasn’t user-friendly or optimized. Users had to seek ‘outside help’ to enhance the performance of their websites.

The end of support from Adobe means that if you keep running your store on Magento 1 even after the deadline, you might be responsible for keeping your store PCI DSS compliant and secure. Moreover, you will not be seeing any platform improvements from Adobe, rendering your store sluggish to change.

2. You want an enhanced checkout process.

Cart abandonment dents your business’ profits significantly. eCommerce brands lose close to $18 billion per year due to cart abandonment. And, with an optimized checkout process, the conversions can be increased by 35.62%.

When Magento eCommerce development services companies developed Magento-based stores, they had to encounter a long and unwieldy checkout process. The 6-step checkout process in Magento 1 was a massive turn-off for customers as it was a challenge to skip this lengthy procedure. However, the entire checkout process is now a simple two-step solution that has made the checkout faster and smoother.

3. Your website’s performance is waning.

If the performance of your website is waning, it is a sign that migration to Magento 2 might be on the cards. Unless you are a part of the Magento website development team, you aren’t bothered about the architecture or the tech stack. But you would certainly notice if the performance of your site is waning.

Performance and scalability were one of the strongest complaints against Magento 1. The page load speed was also pointing at the south end of the graph. The bounce rate of a page that took 3 seconds to load was 32%, and this number dramatically increased to 106% for a page that took 6 seconds to load.

Magento 2 has a significantly faster load on its home and product pages. However, your site host will also impact load speed and SEO effectiveness.

4. Being mobile-friendly is the only step forward.

Mobile-friendly is the only way forward for eCommerce stores.

In addition to performance, Magento 1 also suffered from mobile unfriendliness. Although there are many ways you could work around this issue, these weren’t standard offerings.

Enter Magento 2, and you’ve got a mobile-friendly, responsive theme and easier checkout functionality. You’ve got a platform that offers an easy viewing experience on all devices regardless of their screen size.

5. Advanced analytics and reporting are critical to your success.

Reporting and analytics are much cleaner and more advanced than their previous version. You now can access and maintain 20 online stores right from the feature-rich admin panel. With its reporting capabilities, such as insights into orders, products, and customers, Magento 2 gives you access to valuable data and metrics about your store’s performance.

6. The SEO needs to be improved.

If you think your eStore is losing its SEO ranking, you will do well to migrate your store to the advanced Magento 2.

After earning a bad reputation for handling SEO, the Magento development team seems to have rectified SEO issues. Features like rich snippets, image optimization, SEO-friendly URLs, and canonical tags for product categories are included in the Magento 2 offers.

7. No more security patches from Magento 1

If you are still hanging on to Magento 1, remember that you will not be getting any more security patches. As a result, your store running on Magento 1 will become vulnerable to viruses and security threats.

With Magento 2, you will access updated security patches that ensure increased store protection. Every upgrade on your eStore will increase your store’s performance, and improve sales, conversion, and customer shopping experience.

8. Need for simplified Admin Tools

The bulky admin panel of Magento 1 was heavily frowned upon by users. It was challenging to navigate and use. However, with the advanced Magento 2 version, you can enjoy a sleek and sophisticated admin panel. But yes, it comes with a rather steep learning curve, but once you do master it, you can get your hands on all the information you need.

9. Database segmentation

Magento 1 provided a single database for all users – customers, developers, and admin. It made the entire process slow and overloaded. However, with Magento 2, you get a segmented database split into three categories. Each category – products, orders, and checkout – makes the interface functional and fast.

10. You want to stay ahead of the competition.

If not for all these valuable points, you should migrate your obsolete Magento 1 to the latest version just to stay updated. With its regular updates and performance improvement features, you will be able to provide an enhanced customer experience and stay well ahead of the competition.

Magento 1 to Magento 2 migration is no longer a choice. It is mandatory if you want your store to stay competitive, and relevant and provide an excellent shopping experience to customers.

We understand change is hard, but when change is the only way forward, you should embrace it. And you can make the migration as easy and hassle-free as possible when you seek the help of Magento development Company and migration experts.

About The Author:

John is the President and Co-Founder of WebDesk Solution, LLC. Living the digital agency life for over 10 years, he explores an extensive eCommerce world. He has immense experience in all major e-commerce platforms. Being a nature lover, he likes to breathe the fresh air on the hill stations during vacations.