JD Limoni is designed for sporting a perfect slideshow with ample space for text and images. Complimentary modules such as JD tabs, JD Slideshow or JD Highslide module for image gallery spice up the display.

JD Limoni can be used for an all purpose usage and easily restructured for almost any kind of site. JD Limoni is running on very own unique JD T3 framework, with 8 vibrant colors.
JD Limoni Drupal Theme Features:
- JD Tabs Module
- JD Slideshow Module
- JD Highslide Module
- Powerful & Easy Administration
- Cross Browser Compability
- Mobile Ready
- Themes & Layouts Combo
- Multi (4) Menu Option
- Flexible Blocks & Regions
- Additional Typography
- Caches & CSS/JS Compress
To download or demo click here: JD Limoni Drupal Theme.
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