JM Fabian Magento Theme | Magento Christmas Theme | Magento Beauty Store Theme

JM Fabian Magento Christmas Theme
JM Fabian Magento Christmas Theme

JM Fabian Magento Theme is a focus on design aspects. Functionalities get inherited from Magento core and JoomlArt add-ons JM Slideshow, JM Product List. To welcome upcoming Noel holiday, you might have your Magento site well-tuned with the Christmas theme built in along with default JM Fabian theme.

JM Fabian Magento Christmas Theme
JM Fabian Magento Christmas Theme

JM Fabian Magento Theme Features:

  • It can be used fro Beauty store, Christmas promotional products, etc…
  • JM Slideshow Extension
  • JM Product Listing Extension

To download or demo click here: JM Fabian Magento Theme.