JM Tyrolite is newly released Fresh theme for a Professional Magento Store for selling Fashion items. Bold and large title lets you project your brand. Sleek slideshow followed by product slider highlights the variety of the store items and rest all fall in the right place where one would want them to be. JM Tyrolite lets you display your important items across the landing main page and still leaves lots of space for you to fill up with your own content. Checkout live demo with Hot 6 colors to choose from.

It comes with easy to configure complimentary modules, tactically placed slideshow and product slider in the theme gets the right attention of the users. JM Slideshow, JM Product Slider and JM Category list extensions are complimentary with this theme.
JM Tyrolite Magento Theme Features:
- Can be used for fashion, selling any kind of products online
- JM Product Slider Extension
- JM Category list Extension
- JM Slideshow Extension
To download or demo click here: JM Tyrolite Magento Theme.
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